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flexible working hours
to perform duties
to alter work attitude
advanced communication tools
[telework] [flexible working hours] [to perform duties] [advanced communication tools] [to alter work attitude]
[zmienić nastawienie do pracy] [elastyczny czas pracy] [telepraca] [wykonywać obowiązki] [zaawansowane narzędzia komunikacji]
to alter work attitude
to perform duties
advanced communication tools
flexible working hours
The Internet along with globalization have not only significantly altered our work attitude, but also the way we work.
Teleworking allows employees to work within flexible working hours, not only in concordance with the 9-to-5 model.
Cutting-edge technology helps employees around the world perform their duties successfully even from a distant location.
If you work directly from home, you need advanced communication tools and platforms to be able to remain in touch with both your customers and a central office.
Another way of saying that you work from home, not in a regular office, is telework.
If you work directly from home, you need advanced communication tools and platforms to be able to remain in touch with both your customers and a central office.
[Jeśli pracujesz bezpośrednio w domu, potrzebujesz zaawansowanych narzędzi i platform komunikacyjnych, aby móc pozostać w kontakcie zarówno z klientami, jak i centralą.]
Another way of saying that you work from home, not in a regular office, is telework.
[Innym sposobem na powiedzenie, że pracujesz z domu, a nie w biurze, jest telepraca.]
The Internet along with globalization have not only significantly altered our work attitude, but also the way we work.
[Internet wraz z globalizacją znacząco zmieniły nie tylko nasze podejście do pracy, ale także sposób, w jaki pracujemy.]
Teleworking allows employees to work within flexible working hours, not only in concordance with the 9-to-5 model.
[Telepraca umożliwia pracownikom pracę w elastycznych godzinach pracy, nie tylko zgodnie z modelem 9-to-5.]
Cutting-edge technology helps employees around the world perform their duties successfully even from a distant location.
[Najnowocześniejsza technologia pomaga pracownikom na całym świecie skutecznie wykonywać swoje obowiązki nawet z odległej lokalizacji.]
[to alter work attitude] [telework] [flexible working hours] [advanced communication tools] [to perform duties]
Self-employed freelancers most often prefer instead of regular and tightly scheduled work time.
Regardless of time or location, such as Teams, Zoom and Skype, allow employees to stay in contact with their offshore co-workers.
I personally find the information overload particularly annoying. I wish I could more efficiently.
If you don’t consider at once, you may be certain that sooner or later you will lose your current job position.
Nowadays, highly-skilled professionals have a tendency to select in place of office work, thanks to which they scrimp on travel costs.