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to abide
an audit
to go belly up
to exceed
[an audit] [to go belly up] [to abide] [meticulous] [to exceed]
[kontrola] [przesadnie staranny] [przewyższać] [zbankrutować] [tolerować]
to exceed
an audit
to abide
to go belly up
You know, the only thing our company does not abide is using corporate cars for personal purposes by employees.
We are having an internal financial audit carried out by a professional external auditing company.
Unfortunately, we will have to inform all the shareholders that the financial report was erroneous and filled with discrepancies.
The sales from flat-pack furniture have totally exceeded our expectations and initial prognoses.
Believe it or not, but our junior accountant has proved repeatedly to be far more meticulous with numbers than we have initially presumed.
Statistically, a great number of small-sized enterprises go belly up during the first few months of operation.
Believe it or not, but our junior accountant has proved repeatedly to be far more meticulous with numbers than we have initially presumed.
[Wierzcie lub nie, ale ten nasz młodszy księgowy wielokrotnie udowodnił, że jest o wiele bardziej skrupulatny jeśli chodzi o liczby, niż początkowo sądziliśmy.]
You know, the only thing our company does not abide is using corporate cars for personal purposes by employees.
[Wiesz, jedyną rzeczą, której nasza firma nie toleruje, to używanie przez pracowników samochodów służbowych do celów prywatnych.]
Statistically, a great number of small-sized enterprises go belly up during the first few months of operation.
[Statystycznie, wiele małych przedsiębiorstw upada podczas pierwszych kilku miesięcy działalności.]
Unfortunately, we will have to inform all the shareholders that the financial report was erroneous and filled with discrepancies.
[Niestety, będziemy musieli poinformować wszystkich akcjonariuszy, że sprawozdanie finansowe było błędne i było wypełnione rozbieżnościami.]
We are having an internal financial audit carried out by a professional external auditing company.
[Mamy wewnętrzny audyt finansowy przeprowadzany przez profesjonalną zewnętrzną firmę audytorską.]
The sales from flat-pack furniture have totally exceeded our expectations and initial prognoses.
[Sprzedaż uzyskana z składanych mebli całkowicie przerosła nasze oczekiwania i wstępne prognozy.]
[an audit] [to go belly up] [to abide] [meticulous] [to exceed]
Finally, it was Bob who was promoted since his quality of work far more yours, not to mention your lack of involvement.
With such an irresponsible board of directors and their high expenditures we are about to sooner than later.
A good accountant needs to be very accurate with numbers and enough about details to avoid making mistakes.
The internal carried by a professional agency last month went very well and showed no need for improvements.
Well, although we do appreciate your eagerness but we no longer can such incompetence, so you need to leave immediately.