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to accost
a ramification
to know one’s onions
[overzealous] [a ramification] [to accost] [solely] [to know one’s onions]
[zaczepić] [wyłącznie, jedynie] [konsekwencja działania lub decyzji] [znać się na rzeczy] [nadgorliwy, nadmiernie pilny]
to accost
to know one’s onions
a ramification
Frankly speaking, I totally disagree with all those overzealous auditors who are trying to make too much ado about nothing.
The financial ramifications of such a risky move might be devastating for the entire investment project.
When it comes to corporate accounting, Mrs Jenkins knows her onions, you can certainly trust me.
I will devote all my energy and present activities solely to the most urgent matters which are at present pending in my department.
As I was leaving the office building yesterday, a security officer accosted me about my ID badge, what was really strange.
As I was leaving the office building yesterday, a security officer accosted me about my ID badge, what was really strange.
[Gdy wczoraj wychodziłem z biurowca, ochroniarz zaczepił mnie w sprawie mojego identyfikatora, co było naprawdę dziwne.]
Frankly speaking, I totally disagree with all those overzealous auditors who are trying to make too much ado about nothing.
[Szczerze mówiąc, całkowicie się nie zgadzam z tymi wszystkimi nadgorliwymi audytorami, którzy próbują robić zbyt wiele hałasu o nic.]
I will devote all my energy and present activities solely to the most urgent matters which are at present pending in my department.
[Poświęcę całą swoją energię i obecne działania wyłącznie na najpilniejsze sprawy, które aktualnie toczą się w moim dziale.]
The financial ramifications of such a risky move might be devastating for the entire investment project.
[Finansowe konsekwencje tak ryzykownego posunięcia mogą być katastrofalne dla całego projektu inwestycyjnego.]
When it comes to corporate accounting, Mrs Jenkins knows her onions, you can certainly trust me.
[Jeśli chodzi o księgowość korporacyjną, pani Jenkins zna się na rzeczy, z pewnością możesz mi zaufać.]
[solely] [overzealous] [to accost] [a ramification] [to know one’s onions]
Our accounting department has been thoroughly checked twice this year by a team of IRS officers.
Being a top-lawyer in our law office is based on hard work and strong self-motivation.
If you have any doubts about how to proceed with a new client, why don’t you ask one of our key account managers? They best.
The substantial changes in the field of child care benefits will definitely have widespread social , especially in lower-income families.
Yesterday, during the press conference a journalist unexpectedly our Vice-President inquiring him about his presumable links to Saudi Arabian petrol tycoons.