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a surge
to take over
a consignment
to dispatch
[to dispatch] [a surge] [reticent] [to take over sth] [a consignment]
[powściągliwy] [przejąć coś] [wzrost] [partia towaru] [ekspediować]
to dispatch
a surge
a consignment
to take over
Sooner or later, there will be a significant surge of activity among potential foreign investors in the area of real estate.
I have a large consignment of customized car parts waiting to be dispatched to America at the end of the week.
If we dispatched two skilled workers to our factory in Linz, the production would be secured and the problems solved.
More and more human positions in manufacturing industries are being taken over by cutting-edge multitasking robots.
Bob Scott, our new Vice President, has not even seemed to pretend the kind of man who would be reticent about a thing like that.
Sooner or later, there will be a significant surge of activity among potential foreign investors in the area of real estate.
[Wcześniej czy później nastąpi znaczny wzrost aktywności wśród potencjalnych inwestorów zagranicznych w obszarze nieruchomości.]
I have a large consignment of customized car parts waiting to be dispatched to America at the end of the week.
[Mam dużą partię niestandardowych części samochodowych czekającą na wysyłkę do Ameryki pod koniec tygodnia.]
If we dispatched two skilled workers to our factory in Linz, the production would be secured and the problems solved.
[Gdybyśmy wyekspediowali dwóch wykwalifikowanych pracowników do naszej fabryki w Linz, to produkcja byłaby zabezpieczona, a problemy rozwiązane.]
More and more human positions in manufacturing industries are being taken over by cutting-edge multitasking robots.
[Coraz więcej stanowisk ludzkich w branży produkcyjnej jest przejmowanych przez najnowocześniejsze, wielozadaniowe roboty.]
Bob Scott, our new Vice President, has not even seemed to pretend the kind of man who would be reticent about a thing like that.
[Bob Scott, nasz nowy wiceprezes, nie zdawał się nawet udawać człowieka, który byłby powściągliwy w takiej kwestii.]
[to dispatch] [to take over] [reticent] [a surge] [a consignment]
The warehouse has announced the arrival of a long expected of brand new laptops and high-tech smartphones.
I have known our HR director for ages and she has always been quite secretive about her personal life, not to say very about other colleagues.
An unprecedented of foreign investment has been recently reported in the construction industry.
If we manage to seal the deal within a few coming months, we will be able to all the offshore factories next year.
Having known earlier about the transport delays, the courier company would have more bike couriers to the afflicted areas.