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generous pensions
to downsize
a monthly salary
a job interview
to sack sb
[a job interview] [to downsize] [a monthly salary] [to sack sb] [generous pensions]
[hojne emerytury] [rozmowa kwalifikacyjna] [zmniejszyć zatrudnienie] [miesięczne wynagrodzenie] [wyrzucić kogoś z pracy]
a job interview
to downsize
generous pensions
a monthly salary
to sack sb
Your monthly salary depends on the following factors: your position in a hierarchy, overall experience and performed duties.
If you keep coming late for work, we will have to sack you sooner or later.
Let’s schedule all job interviews for Friday next week, because we will have the conference room available all day long.
Despite poor corporate results, some top CEOs still believe that they deserve generous pensions when they retire.
Basically, downsizing is about making a company much smaller by eliminating staff and reducing positions.
Let’s schedule all job interviews for Friday next week, because we will have the conference room available all day long.
[Zaplanujmy wszystkie rozmowy kwalifikacyjne na piątek w przyszłym tygodniu, ponieważ sala konferencyjna będzie dostępna przez cały dzień.]
Your monthly salary depends on the following factors: your position in a hierarchy, overall experience and performed duties.
[Twoje miesięczne wynagrodzenie zależy od następujących czynników: twojej pozycji w hierarchii, ogólnego doświadczenia i wykonywanych obowiązków.]
Basically, downsizing is about making a company much smaller by eliminating staff and reducing positions.
[Zasadniczo, downsizing polega na zmniejszeniu firmy poprzez eliminację personelu i redukcję stanowisk.
Despite poor corporate results, some top CEOs still believe that they deserve generous pensions when they retire.
[Pomimo słabych wyników korporacji niektórzy czołowi prezesi nadal uważają, że po przejściu na emeryturę zasługują na hojne emerytury.]
If you keep coming late for work, we will have to sack you sooner or later.
[Jeśli nadal będziesz spóźniał się do pracy, to prędzej czy później będziemy musieli cię wyrzucić.]
[generous pensions] [to downsize] [a job interview] [to sack sb] [a monthly salary]
After 40 years of hard and exemplary work one might at least expect a when retired, don’t you agree?
It’s advisable to search the Internet and get to know your future employer before you go for a , isn’t it?
Even though she has been on maternity leave for some time, she has received a full but without any perks, obviously.
I was really surprised to find out that our HR Manager had been without a prior notice.
There seems to be a real perspective that in order to we will need to reduce the staff by 30% next year.