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to improve job satisfaction
a freelancer
work-related tasks
to maintain a contact
teleconferencing solutions
[a freelancer] [to maintain a contact] [teleconferencing solutions] [to improve job satisfaction] [work-related tasks]
[wolny strzelec, osoba pracująca na umowę zlecenie] [utrzymywać kontakt] [zadania związane z pracą] [rozwiązania telekonferencyjne] [poprawić satysfakcję z pracy]
to maintain a contact
a freelancer
to improve job satisfaction
teleconferencing solutions
work-related tasks
A freelancer is a person who cooperates with various companies by delivering services on a contract or project basis.
A huge technological advancement has been made in teleconferencing solutions in terms of their speed and reliability.
Various conferencing apps like Zoom or Teams can be used to great effect to maintain a contact with colleagues from faraway company branches.
I always apply prioritizing rules to all my work-related tasks and business duties.
Companies which aim at improving job satisfaction, telework seems to be the preferred option.
Companies which aim at improving job satisfaction, telework seems to be the preferred option.
[Dla firm dążących do poprawy satysfakcji z pracy, telepraca wydaje się być preferowaną opcją.]
A huge technological advancement has been made in teleconferencing solutions in terms of their speed and reliability.
[Ogromny postęp technologiczny dokonał się w rozwiązaniach telekonferencyjnych pod względem ich szybkości i niezawodności.]
I always apply prioritizing rules to all my work-related tasks and business duties.
[Zawsze stosuję zasady priorytetyzacji do wszystkich moich zadań związanych z pracą i obowiązków służbowych.]
A freelancer is a person who cooperates with various companies by delivering services on a contract or project basis.
[Freelancer to osoba, która współpracuje z różnymi firmami, świadcząc usługi na podstawie umowy lub projektu.]
Various conferencing apps like Zoom or Teams can be used to great effect to maintain a contact with colleagues from faraway company branches.
[Różne aplikacje konferencyjne, takie jak Zoom czy Teams, mogą z powodzeniem być używane do utrzymywania kontaktu z kolegami z odległych oddziałów firmy.]
[a freelancer] [to maintain a contact] [teleconferencing solutions] [to improve job satisfaction] [work-related tasks]
There is a plan to introduce a new non-benefit program in order to in our company.
Here is a detailed job description along with a list of extra tasks for you to sign before you begin work.
The IT colleagues will equip you with access codes to our main including Webex and Google Meet, ok?
For our internal purposes and to within the company we make use of a special computer network which is referred to as intranet.
People employed on a non-permanent basis, meaning all who supply us with their services, require at least one online training before they start cooperation with us.