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to seal the deal
a threshold
[to seal the deal] [hot-desking] [a threshold] [bogus] [labourhood]
[sąsiedztwo miejsca pracy} [fikcyjny, fałszywy] [przypieczętować umowę] [dzielenie się biurkiem z innymi pracownikami] [próg, początek]
to seal the deal
a threshold
The value of contracts awarded should always exceed the threshold of 30% to those lost to major competitors.
At present, out-of-the office environments are said to be much more conducive to sealing lucrative business deals.
Some employees find hot-desking more stressful and less personal than a traditional office organization.
Undeclared work, including bogus self-employment, poses a real threat to developing economies around the world.
Frankly speaking, I don’t intend to hang out in SoHo tonight since I avoid partying in my labourhood at weekends.
The value of contracts awarded should always exceed the threshold of 30% to those lost to major competitors.
[Wartość przyznanych kontraktów powinna zawsze przekraczać próg 30% tych, które zostały utracone na rzecz głównych konkurentów.]
At present, out-of-the office environments are said to be much more conducive to sealing lucrative business deals.
[Obecnie, mówi się, że środowiska pozabiurowe znacznie bardziej sprzyjają zawieraniu lukratywnych transakcji biznesowych.]
Some employees find hot-desking more stressful and less personal than a traditional office organization.
[Niektórzy pracownicy uznają dzielenie biurka ze współpracownikiem za bardziej stresujące i mniej osobiste niż tradycyjną organizację biura.]
Undeclared work, including bogus self-employment, poses a real threat to developing economies around the world.
[Praca nierejestrowana, w tym fikcyjne zatrudnienie, stanowi realne zagrożenie dla rozwijających się gospodarek na całym świecie.]
Frankly speaking, I don’t intend to hang out in SoHo tonight since I avoid partying in my labourhood at weekends.
[Szczerze mówiąc, nie zamierzam spędzać dzisiejszego wieczoru w SoHo, ponieważ unikam imprezowania w sąsiedztwie pracy w weekendy.]
[to seal the deal] [bogus] [labourhood] [hot-desking] [a threshold]
By definition, allows for allocating employees to a vacant desk, where they are able to access the Internet and computer network files.
As far as I know, the tax rate will increase substantially if we go beyond the established for medium-sized companies such ours.
The client finally decided to when he was offered a 5-year warranty along with a yearly support for free.
Our company has a silent agreement with local restauranteurs who offer cheaper meals for those dining in their or for organizing corporate events on their premises.
The fraudster was caught by the police while he was trying to cash a check in a regional bank branch.