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to make out sth
a harbinger
to snub
[a harbinger] [to make out sth] [predominantly] [to snub] [duress]
[zwiastun, znak, że coś nadejdzie] [lekceważyć] [przymus siłą lub groźbą] [głównie, przede wszystkim] [zrozumieć coś z trudem]
to make out sth
to snub
a harbinger
Apple is widely known for employing predominantly young, creative and innovative people who can think outside the box.
If a boss snubs their employees it proves that they lack either people skills or simply good manners.
However hard he tried, the IT specialist was just unable to make out what his colleague was trying to explain.
The inevitable collapse of the retirement savings plan may be an early harbinger of much serious problems to come in the nearest future.
There is no doubt that the board meeting took place under financial duress yesterday.
However hard he tried, the IT specialist was just unable to make out what his colleague was trying to explain.
[Bez względu na to, jak bardzo się starał, informatyk nie był w stanie zrozumieć, co jego kolega próbował wyjaśnić.]
If a boss snubs their employees it proves that they lack either people skills or simply good manners.
[Jeżeli szef lekceważy swoich pracowników, to świadczy o tym, że albo brakuje mu zdolności interpersonalnych, albo po prostu dobrych manier.]
There is no doubt that the board meeting took place under financial duress yesterday.
[Nie ma wątpliwości, że posiedzenie zarządu odbyło się wczoraj pod przymusem finansowym.]
Apple is widely known for employing predominantly young, creative and innovative people who can think outside the box.
[Apple jest powszechnie znany z zatrudniania głównie młodych, kreatywnych i innowacyjnych ludzi, którzy potrafią myśleć nieszablonowo.]
The inevitable collapse of the retirement savings plan may be an early harbinger of much serious problems to come in the nearest future.
[Nieuniknione załamanie się planu oszczędności emerytalnych może być wczesnym zwiastunem o wiele poważniejszych problemów, które nadejdą w najbliższej przyszłości.]
[duress] [a harbinger] [predominantly] [to snub] [to make out sth]
Pretending not to see a person in a room full of people is definitely a form of public .
I wish you could be more specific, otherwise nobody is going what you are driving at.
The sudden decision to get rid of five fleet cars has been made under with an immediate execution.
Numerous strikes in factories have become an immediate of future protests and riots.
The recent conversations among employees focused on massive furloughs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.