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a pep talk
to leak data
[expertise] [a pep talk] [amply] [pertaining] [to leak data]
[ujawnić dane] [wiedza specjalistyczna] [przemowa motywacyjna] [adekwatny] [obszernie]
to leak data
a pep talk
An ideal candidate needs to possess well-documented work experience as well as wide expertise in non-technical innovation.
For the time being, the most pertaining question to ask would be: How much profit in total can we make in half a year?
At his first news conference, the newly appointed party leader has given a stimulating pep talk.
The owner of the biggest social networking site has recently been accused of leaking personal data of its users.
The successful takeover of our company by one of the food giants on the market has been amply covered by the local media.
An ideal candidate needs to possess well-documented work experience as well as wide expertise in non-technical innovation.
[Idealny kandydat potrzebuje posiadać dobrze udokumentowane doświadczenie zawodowe jak również szeroką wiedzę w zakresie nietechnicznych innowacji.]
For the time being, the most pertaining question to ask would be: How much profit in total can we make in half a year?
[Na chwilę obecną, najbardziej adekwatnym pytaniem do zadania byłoby: Ile zysku w sumie możemy uzyskać w pół roku?]
At his first news conference, the newly appointed party leader has given a stimulating pep talk.
[Na swojej pierwszej konferencji prasowej, nowo mianowany przywódca partii wygłosił inspirującą przemowę motywacyjną.]
The owner of the biggest social networking site has recently been accused of leaking personal data of its users.
[Właściciel największego portalu społecznościowego został niedawno oskarżony o wyciek danych osobowych swoich użytkowników.]
The successful takeover of our company by one of the food giants on the market has been amply covered by the local media.
[Udane przejecie naszej firmy przez jednego z gigantów spożywczych na rynku zostało obszernie opisane przez lokalne media.]
[amply] [a pep talk] [pertaining] [expertise] [to leak data]
In such a complex matter, it’s advisable to turn to our financial advisor and rely on her professional in the field of banking.
The dissatisfaction with lower than expected pay rises has been demonstrated by members of all trade unions.
What we really need to encourage our sales representatives to work harder and more effectively is a well written and strongly delivered every month.
I can assure you that our security systems and cutting edge software have never allowed to any personal whatsoever.
Although some rules concerning remote work are certainly , others prove to be totally irrelevant.