Allude to

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Whether you are still learning English and the word ‘allude’ left you scratching your head and thinking about what it means exactly, or maybe you already understand it and just want to learn some more about it – we are sure you will find something interesting in our short text discussing everything to know about this word.

We will cover the origin of the word ‘allude’, its meanings, and synonyms. Additionally, you will also find examples of sentences showcasing the proper use of this verb.

Origin of ‘allude’

Like many other words in the English language, ‘allude’ derives from Latin. Its predecessor is Latin allūdere, a word that meant “to play with something” or “to joke, make fun of something”. It consists of a prefix ad-, which has been simplified to just a- and expresses ‘to’, ‘toward’; and a verb lūdere – “to play”.

What does ‘allude to’ mean?

‘Allude’ is an intransitive verb whose primary meaning is to make a reference to something in an indirect way without having to mention it. It is often used with the preposition ‘to’ in order to specify the object that is alluded to. More broadly, ‘allude’ can be understood and sometimes used just as a synonym for ‘refer’.

A noun that corresponds with the verb ‘allude’ is ‘allusion’, which means, especially in the context of literature, an indirect reference.

Synonyms for ‘allude’

What are the synonyms of ‘allude to’? Here are some words and phrases that can be used to replace it in a sentence:

  • bring up
  • hint
  • imply
  • indicate
  • suggest
  • touch (as in “touch upon an issue”).
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Synonyms of 'allude to'
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‘Allude’ or ‘elude’?

‘Elude’ might look and sound similar to ‘allude’, however the two words have entirely different meanings. While alluding means making a reference, hinting, or suggesting something; eluding means avoiding something. ‘Elude’ can refer both to physical obstacles and intangible concepts, like an uncomfortable topic in a conversation. It also doesn’t connotate with the preposition ‘to’. We elude something, but allude to something.

Don’t mix up those to expressions, as their meanings may at times be the complete opposite of each other.

Examples of ‘allude’ in a sentence

Before we finish, please take a look at these examples of sentences that include ‘allude to’. They will help you grasp a better understanding of when to use this word.

  • In his story, he often alluded to events from his past.
  • Rather than speak about the issue, allude to it.
  • Stop alluding and speak your mind.
  • She didn’t answer my question and alluded that it didn’t make any sense.
  • Now that you mention it, it is weird that the author only alludes to the hardships of life in the country at that time.

Everything to know about ‘allude to’

To sum up, ‘allude’ is a word that comes from the Latin language. Its most basic definition is to refer to something indirectly, and it must not be mistaken with ‘elude’.

Now you should have all the information about ‘allude to’ to be able to use this word properly. Getting to know new words will help you broaden your vocabulary, make your speaking more varied and enrich your writing. Most certainly you will find it helpful.

We hope you found this article interesting. Surely, ‘allude to’ will now be a part of your personal dictionary, or maybe even become your word of the day. If you would like to learn more about foreign languages, consider taking one of our language courses. We provide services for companies as well as private individuals. Detailed information about our offer can be found on our website.
