Have you recently arrived in Poland and you are not sure if your Polish is sufficient to get the desired job?
Would you like to become acquainted with Polish etiquette, prepare a draft of your CV or order some delicious dishes in restaurants in Polish?

If so, please welcome the opportunity to sign up for our workshops that have been designed specifically for those who would like to master their Polish language! You may select topics of interest and flexibly arrange time slots that will be convenient for you.

Here is a detailed list of workshop topics:

1. Siny, sny czy szyny – jak mówić, żeby Polacy nas rozumieli – podstawowe zasady fonetyczne.

– this workshop will help you to improve your pronunciation and remember elementary phonetic rules

2. Co dla Państwa? – w restauracji, czyli jedzenie i picie po polsku.

– this workshop will take you to the world of Polish cuisine and beverages as well as will teach you how to order food in a restaurant

3. Numery, numery… czyli kiedy mówić szesnasta, szesnasty, a kiedy szesnaście?

– this workshop will help you to learn Polish numbers and will teach you how to use them in different everyday situations

4. Czy byłaby pani tak uprzejma i mogłaby otworzyć okno? – etykieta w języku polskim.

– this workshop will help you to become familiar with Polish etiquette, you will learn how to express politeness and how to behave properly in different situations

5. Prawdziwi i fałszywi przyjaciele, czyli o podobieństwach i różnicach języka polskiego do innych języków.

– this workshop will be focused on Polish words which look or sound similar to words in other foreign languages but have different meanings

6. Zostaję w Polsce na zawsze! – jak wygląda egzamin na poziomie B1

– this workshop will be focused on Polish B1 Certification Exam, its structure and useful exam techniques

7. Myślę, że to bardzo dobry pomysł – o wyrażaniu opinii i emocji oraz o sztuce argumentacji.

– this workshop will present an abundance of vocabulary regarding expressing opinions and emotions as well as presenting arguments in different situations

8. Po polsku w urzędzie i w pracy. Jak poprawnie napisać podanie i CV

– this workshop will present different offices as well as useful vocabulary for writing CVs and other necessary applications

At your request, we may organise workshops individually or for a group of friends of yours.
Feel free to contact us to obtain further details.
