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Zespół szkoły językowej Skrivanek

I a) Choose the correct word or words.

Example:What is your address?

1) Hello. My ............... is Peter Pan.

2) Where ................ he from?

3) He ................ Italy.

4) I am .............  engineer.

I b) Fill in „s“, „es“, „’s“ or nothing.

Example: These cars are very expensive.

5) There are three apple ............... on the table.

6) How old are these  .............. women ?

7) Elizabeth is Paul ............. boss.

I c) Write a sentence. Use all of the words.

Example: does, where, she, work……? Where does she work?

8) Japan, come, we, from

9) don’t, they, classical, like, music?

10) tell, the, time, me, can, you?

11) have, a, wine, please, I, can, white, of, glass?

I d) Fill in words with opposite meaning.

Example: interesting – boring

12) white - ?

13) big - ?

14) question - ?

15) old - ?

I e) Choose the correct expressions.

Example: I don’t have any money.

16) ............... there .............. cups in the kitchen?

17) Can I have ............. more tea, please?

18) How ............ is that camera?

I f) Choose the correct expressions.

Example: Is this your jacket? No, it’s not mine.

19) ............ aren’t my magazines. They’re Barry’s.

20) Whose idea is this? It was .............. idea.

21) Your books have arrived. Please collect ............... today.

II a) Choose the correct comparative or superlative forms of adjectives.

Example: Who is the most attractive person in the world?

22) She is ............ than her brother.

23) Was it ............. homework in the class?

24) My car was ............ than yours.

25) You are ............. man in the world.

II b) Choose the correct options.

Example: Do you watch / Are you watching TV at the moment?

26) ............ football on Saturdays.

27) Where is Paul? – ............. to the bank.

28) She usually .............. home alone.

29) When ............. meet yesterday?

II c) Choose the word that does not belong in the group.

Example: Cambridge, London, Oxford, Rome





II d) Use one of the prepositions to fill in the blanks.

Example: Peter isn’t at home now.

34) I usually get up ........... 7 o’clock.

35) I have been learning English ............. three years.

36) I usually go to work ........... car.

37) Can we meet ............ Thursday?

38) Are you interested ........... politics?

II e) Match the verbs with correct expressions.

Example: never - mind

39) wear - ?

40) make - ?

41) tell - ?

42) lose - ?

III a) Choose the correct expressions.

Example: It’s a great film. You must see it.

43) It’s late. I think you .......... go now.

44) I .......... go to the bank to get some money yesterday.

45) ............. some tea or coffee?

III b) Choose the correct auxiliary verb.

Example: I am listening to music.

46) Look at those children! They ............. smoking cigarettes!

47) .............. your daughter speak French well?

48) .............. you learn German when you were at school?

49) ............. Ben ever been to India?

III c) Put the words into the correct order.

Example: bath, I, when, home, will, get, have, a, I – When I get home, I will have a bath

50) working, been, here, six, Sally, has, for, months

51) world, is, English, the, all, spoken, over

52) you, feel, stop, better, if, will, you, smoking

III d) Choose the opposite adjective.

53) ugly - ?

54) dirty - ?

55) noisy - ?

56) mean - ?

57) wealthy - ?

III e) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

Example: I saw her five minutes ago. – I’ve seen her five minutes ago.

58) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

59) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

60) Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

III f) Complete the sentences with the given words. Use each word only once.

Words : bored, flew, modern, voyage, fit, experiences, trip, trek, high, spectacular

61) If you’re %BLANK% with beaches, but you aren’t %BLANK% or adventurous enough to %BLANK% through the Himalayas or the Sahara desert, try Alaska.

62) Our %BLANK% to America’s largest and most northerly state was one of the greatest %BLANK% of my life.

63) First of all we %BLANK% to Vancouver, in Canada.

64) We spent two days in this very %BLANK% city, before we started our seven-day %BLANK% along Alaskan coast.

65) The scenery with its mountains and volcanoes was %BLANK%, particularly the dramatic Columbia Glacier, over 80 metres %BLANK%.

VI a) Look at the letter from Alberto to his friend Paul. Alberto is staying in Bristol, England. Choose the correct form of words.

Dear Paul,
My stay in England is coming to an end. In ten days’ time I .............. back in Italy. I can hardly believe that I ............. in Bristol for three months. The time has gone so quickly!

Yesterday I .............. my final exams. As soon as I ............. the results, I will let you know.

I ............. for lots of jobs recently. Yesterday I ............... for one with the EU in Brussels.

It .............. be great if I ................... it, but I haven’t got a very good chance. They want someone with fluent English and French, and my French isn’t very good any more.

Anyway, I haven’t booked my plane ticket ............. so I must go into town now and do that. See you next week. I’ll give you a ring ............... I arrive home.

Take care. Best wishes,


IV b) Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their definitions in column B.

Example: come in - enter

76) break down - ?

77) make up - ?

78) get by - ?

79) sort out - ?

IV c) Choose the best preposition to complete the sentences.

Example: I often listen to the radio.

80) I may go to the match, it really depends ............... the weather.

81) He got married .............. a girl he met in France.

82) Her parents don’t approve ............. what she has done.

83) Don’t worry ............... your exam, it’ll be OK.

IV d) Look at these comments about smoking. Complete them with can / can’t, must / mustn't, or should / shouldn’t.

Example: Can you tell me the time, please?

84) I ................. understand why people smoke. It tastes horrible.

85) If people get ill from smoking, they .............. pay for the treatment.

86) The government .............. ban smoking completely so that we ............... all breathe clean air.

87) “I’m sorry, sir, but you ............. put the cigarette out.”

V a) Choose the correct sentence.

Example: I saw her five minutes ago. – I’ve seen her five minutes ago.

88) Choose the correct sentence.

89) Choose the correct sentence.

90) Choose the correct sentence.

91) Choose the correct sentence.

92) Choose the correct sentence.

V b) Choose the correct words

Example: How did you stop biting / to bite / bite your nails?

93) We ............... get up early tomorrow because it’s Sunday.

94) She’s not at all used to .............. the housework.

95) You ............. be feeling really excited about your holiday.

96) I’ll never forget .............. you. It was the most important day of my life!

97) The house doesn’t need ............ decorated.

98) My father ............. give you a lift.

V c) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word.

Example: His speech was unfortunately INCOMPREHENSIBLE. (COMPREHEND)

99) What I appreciate most about my grandfather is his wisdom. His advice is always ................. and ....................

100) My aunt isn’t fond of today’s children. She thinks that they are all ................. and ................

101) We’d been walking along the railway track for hours before we realized that the map was out-of-date and ....................

102) I think that boxing is a ............... sport. What is the point of trying to hit another person until they are .................

V d) Complete the sentences. Choose the correct expression.

103) I ............. understand your problem.

104) This steak is really ............. I can’t eat it. .

105) With my salary it’s difficult to make ends ..............
