Skrivanek Plus – Marcowy quiz

Skrivanek Plus

Ucz się razem z nami! Zespół Szkoły Językowej Skrivanek w każdy miesiąc będzie publikować ćwiczenia sprawdzające wynik nauki w ramach lekcji Skrivanek Plus, śledź nasze posty i rozwijaj swoje umiejętności językowe!

Welcome to your Skrivanek Plus 20

Task 1
Complete each gap with the correct form of the word from the list: precariously, exploit, pliant, imbue

Task 2
For each sentence 1-4 select one answer (a, b or c):

1. From that day onwards, they would live somewhat ………………………….., not knowing what the future held for them.

2. The audience can keep track of all the culinary ………………….. of the MasterChef contestants.

3. When they were younger, they preferred women to be rather …………………., fairly pretty, and not too bright.

4. The new political leader was said to be inspired and absolutely ……………….. with the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

Task 3

Match the words 1-4 with their synonyms, a-d:

1. precariously - ..............

2. imbue - ..............

3. exploit - ..............

4. pliant - ..............
