Skrivanek Plus – Majowy quiz

Skrivanek Plus

Ucz się razem z nami! Zespół Szkoły Językowej Skrivanek w każdy miesiąc będzie publikować ćwiczenia sprawdzające wynik nauki w ramach lekcji Skrivanek Plus, śledź nasze posty i rozwijaj swoje umiejętności językowe!

Welcome to your Skrivanek Plus 22


Task 1.
Complete each gap with the correct form of the word from the list: dismay, courageously,engulf, inestimable

Task 2.
For each sentence 1-4 select one answer (a, b or c):

1. The soldier has solemnly sworn to defend his homeland and to fight for it ……………………… to the very end of his life.

2. It has been noted with ………………… that Garry’s election for the Regional Manager may be harmful to our organization.

3. The victims have said that there were still barely alive people under the debris, when the fire ……………….. them in the hallway.

4. Why would Sara give you such an ……………………. favour? It looks strange to me, really.

Task 3.

Match words 1-4 with their synonyms a-d:

1. engulf - ..............

2. courageously - ..............

3. dismay - ..............

4. inestimable - ..............
