Skrivanek Plus – Wrześniowy quiz

Skrivanek Plus

Ucz się razem z nami! Zespół Szkoły Językowej Skrivanek w każdy miesiąc będzie publikować ćwiczenia sprawdzające wynik nauki w ramach lekcji Skrivanek Plus, śledź nasze posty i rozwijaj swoje umiejętności językowe!

Task 1.
Complete each gap with the correct form of the word from the box:
eventually, validation, contribute, airborne

Task 2.
For each sentence 1-4 select one answer (a, b or c):

1. The evaluation of …………………….. hazardous substances emitted to the atmosphere will be conducted by a group of external experts.

2. Keep trying to do your best and soon you will ……………………… succeed in finding a satisfying job.

3. Mark is said to be a very prolific writer who also ……………………….. numerous short-stories to a local newspaper.

4. Under these circumstances, the …………………………. of the verdict is supposed to take at least 21 days starting from now.

Task 3.
Match words 1-4 with their synonyms a-e:

1. validation -

2. airborne -

3. contribute -

4. eventually -
