Work-life balance

Lekcja angielskiego

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The topic for today is “work-life balance”.

Task 1

Read the text below to get the general idea:

Work-life balance is a concept in which exact and well-established proportions really matter, eg. the amount of time spent at work (or on working) should be more or less the same as that spent on personal life activities. In theory it seems possible, but in practice this concept hardly ever works. Trying to achieve the actual work-life balance is compared to juggling the 5 life balls: work, family, friends, leisure and health. It is like balancing on a rope in a desperate attempt to even the scales. It rarely happens in reality.

Defining the right balance is very difficult, since it varies between people; it will be different for singles, married or the retired ones. The amount of time devoted individually to those vital areas of life (both professional or personal) will be unequal at varied stages of life, not only because people, by definition, are unique and thus incomparable, but also they have completely different priorities or lead totally different lives.

Experts believe, however, that it is possible to find at least an effective work-life balance. It is enough to identify appropriate shares of achievement and enjoyment in your life. If the proportions are correct, the work-life balance may become  attainable. In other words, to achieve a healthy balance you need to focus on all aspects of your life proportionately, not on one in particular. Managing your life accordingly , in order not to be stressed out or not to feel burned out, should become your ultimate goal in much the same way as you manage your work duties and responsibilities. Otherwise you will end up being unhappy, disappointed and dissatisfied both with your work and your life.

Terrifying statistics say that more than 65% of Americans are stressed to their limits, around 30% of them are burned out and 27% report being emotionally drained from work. At the end of the day more than 42% of employees feel used up. Do you want to contribute to those numbers? Not necessarily, I guess. If not, start your own makeover right now and you will certainly change for the better, as an individual as well as a worker.

Task 2

Study the text carefully and answer the questions below.

1.    What is the work-life balance in theory? ……………………………………………………….
2.    What is the concept of work-life balance similar to? ……………………………………………………….
3.    Does the model ever work in reality? ……………………………………………………….
4.    Does the term have the same meaning to every individual? ……………………………………………………….
5.    What does the meaning of the concept depend on? ……………………………………………………….
6.    What is meant by the term effective work-life balance? ……………………………………………………….
7.    How can people achieve the healthy balance? ……………………………………………………….
8.    What should become an ultimate goal of every individual? ……………………………………………………….
9.    How might people feel if they do not keep the work-life balance? ……………………………………………………….
10.  What seems to be the best solution to the problem? ……………………………………………………….

Task 3

Watch the video “Work-life balance” and mark the sentences below K for Kevin and J for Jannet:

1.    I find challenging to juggle the demands of job with personal life. ………..
2.    You can use a few tricks to bring balance to your daily routine. ………..
3.    I plan for the downtime with my family and friends. ………..
4.    I should start putting family activities in my calendar, too. ………..
5.    I keep an eye on activities that eat up my time during the working hours. ………..
6.    I don’t waste time on social media sites and making personal calls. ………..
7.    I should cut down on my Facebook usage and coffee-room chit-chat. ………..
8.    I try to outsource my errands as much as possible. ………..
9.    One can spend a little more money to save some time. ………..
10.    I should take a membership at the company’s gym. ………..


Task 2                                                                    

1. An equal amount of time devoted to personal and professional life
2. Juggling 5 life balls or balancing on a rope or an attempt to even the scales
3. No, it doesn’t
4. No, it doesn’t
5. The stage of life people are on and their life priorities
6. Appropriate shares of achievement and enjoyment in life
7. By focusing on all aspects of life
8. Managing your life in the same way as managing your work
9. Stressed out, burned out, unhappy, disappointed or dissatisfied
10. A personal makeover or a life change

Task 3

1. J
2. K
3. K
4. J
5. K
6. K
7. J
8. K
9. J
10. J
